Dr Catherine Lunken

Dr Catherine Lunken specialises in seeing patients with all types of Diabetes using up to date technology. She also sees patients with inherited lipid disorders and those with statin intolerances.
About Catherine
Dr Catherine Lunken is specialist in Diabetes and Lipid Metabolism, based at the University College London Hospitals. As well as this, she’s the Clinical Lead for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia at University College London Hospital Trust.
Dr Catherine Lunken specialises in seeing patients with all types of Diabetes using up to date technology. She also sees patients with inherited lipid disorders and those with statin intolerances.
When Dr Lunken isn’t practicing, she’s an Honorary Senior Lecturer at UCL’s Medical School.
Dr Lunken is responsible for the management of all aspects of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. There’s a spectrum of treatments which fall under this discipline, such as improving control, reducing the incidence of complications, and insulin pumps and issues concerning weight. In addition, she also manages lipid disorders, and cardiovascular risk prevention in both men and women.
NHS and Academic Posts
Consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology. Full time private practice.