London Medical is the trading name of Metabolic Services Ltd, in which some of the practitioners have a financial interest. The interest will not influence clinical decisions affecting your care. Metabolic Services Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under the company number 01837551 whose registered office is 49 Marylebone High Street London W1U 5HJ.

Your Care

A patient is under the care his or her physician who may also involve other physicians in treatment if appropriate. London Medical staff provide care and treatment under the doctor’s instructions.

Your Liability

The patient is liable for all personal expenses and any charges not settled by an insurer or sponsor. If there are delays in settlement, there may be penalties, for example the charging of interest or the revoking of discounts, for which the patient will be liable.

Insured Patients

The clinic will process insurance claims directly with Approved Insurers on the patient’s behalf if the patient has provided claims details and a signed Assignment of Benefits statement. It is the patient’s responsibility to verify with their insurer that the condition to be treated is covered by their insurance. The clinic is not responsible for this verification. Insufficient documentation will prevent direct settlements and may result in the account being billed to the patient. Any shortfalls in benefit are the patient’s responsibility. For the avoidance of doubt, an insured patient is liable for care and treatment he or she receives from the clinic. Should the patient’s insurer determine that such care and treatment is not medically necessary for the purposes of the patient’s insurance policy, the patient agrees that he or she will be liable for the portion of the charges that are not settled.

Sponsored Patients

We accept direct settlement arrangements only with third parties with whom we have an agreement. If such an agreement is not in place, the patient will be asked to settle the account with us and seek to recover the sum from the sponsor. Where an agreement is in place we must have a letter of guarantee specific to this treatment.


We require payment in full at time of treatment.

Billing and Collections

Where a self-funding patient does not pay on the day, or a patient liability arises on an Approved Insurance Company, or Sponsored patient, this will be processed by our billing partner Medical Account Services Ltd t/a Medserv, Ground Floor, Rockwood House, 9-17 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 ( In these cases payment is due within 14 days of invoice date. If all or part of an invoice remain unpaid within 14 days of the invoice date, at the clinic’s discretion interest can be charged at 4% per annum above the Bank of England base rate. Furthermore following a final demand, if payment remains outstanding then the invoice may be referred to a collection agent to recover debt as they see fit and include further collection charges and fees.

Payment Card Pre-authorisation

When you make payment to London Medical for services we will retain authorisation for your payment card for future use.

Purpose: to retain payment details on file for self-pay patients to ensure that costs for appointments can still be met when patient is not able to pay on site and to mitigate risk of no-shows, walkouts and bad debts.

Length of time held: pre-authorisation will be retained on file whilst patient remains registered at London Medical. Authorisation can be removed at any time upon written request to Each card will have its own natural expiration date upon which pre-authorisation will have to be re-requested.

Information held: the card details (including number, expiry date and CCV) are not themselves retained, purely the patient’s authorisation for us to charge that card. Excluding charges for no-shows, payment will not be taken until patient provides approval to settle invoice.


The clinic does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the loss of any cash or valuables belonging to the patients or visitors.

Cancelling your appointment

Finally, please inform the clinic as soon as possible if this appointment is not convenient for you. If you fail to attend an appointment without letting us know, giving at least 24 hours notice, you will be charged a cancellation fee. Please note that you’ll be personally liable for any cancellation fees, and cannot claim them through your insurance or sponsor.