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Professor Pratik Choudhary


Professor Pratik Choudhary, Consultant in Diabetes

Consultant in diabetes with a special interest in type 1 and technology to manage it.

About Pratik

Dr Pratik Choudhary is Professor of Diabetes at the University of Leicester, having joined there recently after 15 years at King’s College London. He has a particular interest in type 1 diabetes and is involved clinically and academically in diabetes education through the DAFNE program, and clinical use of new technologies, particularly insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring. He is also diabetes lead for the Islet and Pancreas transplant programs at King’s.

He has published a number of papers and international guidelines around the use of new technologies in diabetes, including closed loop systems. He understands the importance of psychology in the management of long-term conditions, especially type 1 diabetes that demands so much, and has developed a consultative style that integrates education, technology and psychology.

Recognising the importance of “ diabetes distress”, here at London medical we want to offer a joint consultative program where psychology and diabetes care are integrated into a common care plan, where that is required.